He is leaning on a female Asura drinking a glass of wine in the other’s hand. Asura king suddenly sensed something. He drank the wine in a cup at a gulp, and he got up from the white elephant and said, "Lang Dao." "This time, the Wind Robber allows you…
His lips trembled and he was convulsing all over. "Get him in," Provenza growled. "Others don’t leave their positions. Everyone reports how much ammunition they have." At this time, Provenza was no longer acting like a boss, but he was more like a leader, only to see him take off…
The shouting at the foot has gradually stopped. There is blood, life and blood clan. Several elders have all been killed. Blood shadow followed closely behind the essence, and his eyes caught a glimpse of Long Mai’s deliberation hall, where all the blood clan soldiers were full of bows. "Didn’t…
“……” Your majesty agreed and didn’t get angry? Still laughing? When everyone was dumbfounded, Muqing Snow told XuanYuanchen where they were and then hung up the sound stone and scanned the people … If the sovereign comes, then they plan to … TongKeKe, however, don’t think so XuanYuanChen to just…
It’s a ghost in broad daylight. Hearing the alarm, I felt that I soon saw the scene before me. A teenager in a black cloak has a strong visual impact among bones and skeletons. I was a little hesitant for a moment, and I didn’t even know what I was…
An official shouted, "All the officials handling the case are gone." If ordinary girls had been arrested by them. Ji month coldly looking at them "government case? Do you have a script? " Ye Keer rushed over and ordered, "How dare you give me a good beating." Your officers are…
"He’s well," Ye Fenghua took a sip of his lip. The duke of elymus frowned. "All right?" He muttered, "Well, you can’t stay a few more days." Ye Fenghua was absent-minded, then smiled and changed the topic "I’m going to the college first, and the team of the winter hunting…
"I don’t know. I heard that the founders of the company don’t show up often, and I just dealt with their traders!" Xie took seriously replied “你现在每个月能进口多少小麦?”戈尔巴乔夫不停问着 “我想也就一万吨左右吧!”谢廖沙回答道 “怎么才这么点?”戈尔巴乔夫有些不满说道 “我们是一家小型贸易公司而且我们能够搞到棉花和石油也很有限!”谢廖沙向戈尔巴乔夫反应着自己难处 “如果我想每个月进口二十万吨粮食你觉得这个罗曼诺夫贸易公司能办到吗?”戈尔巴乔夫好奇问道 “能当然能了!”谢廖沙虽然不知道卡里姆收购萨斯喀彻温小麦联营团到底能不能这么多粮食但是他还是觉得这是一个千难逢机会不管怎么样先答应来再说不过谢廖沙还是觉得要先谈谈条件于是他补充道“不过我们没办法收购这么多石油或者棉花您看是不是能帮我们想想办法?” “有石油和棉花吗?别东西难道不行吗?”戈尔巴乔夫微微皱着眉头说道 “您想法是……?”谢廖沙紧张问道 “比如木材或者其他什么初级资源石油实在是太麻烦了?”戈尔巴乔夫直接打断了谢廖沙期望 “可是木材这种东西不好处理啊?您看看别什么东西怎么样?比如矿产铝怎么样?国解铝价格也很有竞争力!” “可我原则同意你想法不过你能够保证对方应稳定吗?”戈尔巴乔夫不放心说道 "I heard that the other party has acquired the largest food company in…
It’s a little nai to think of it. But I don’t regret it A few days later, he will still be like this Jiang Zhuoning’s eyes passed through several rows of students, and he fell on Jiang Jiang. Jiang Jiang is writing with his head down. Somehow, she sprained her…
"You are responsible for the king’s behavior." Shaojin threw herself on her body and leaned into her ear. She smiled elegantly and charmingly and said no. And he glance at his bloody arm. "…" What did she do to him? Ye Fenghua temple chug straight jump finally take a deep…